Пейзаж, Городской, В стиле киберпанк, Снег, Закат, Высотные здания, Неоновые огни, Ледяные тени, Пассажиры в пуховиках, Пара влюбленных, Летающие автомобили, Зеркальные фасады, Парящие рекламные щиты.

Пейзаж, Городской, В стиле киберпанк, Снег, Закат, Высотные здания, Неоновые огни, Ледяные тени, Пассажиры в пуховиках, Пара влюбленных, Летающие автомобили, Зеркальные фасады, Парящие рекламные щиты.

Это картина оказывается не к задаче генерации текста, а к задаче запроса описания к картинке. Описание на картинку:
“They stood on a rooftop, overlooking the sprawling city below. The setting sun painted the sky in vibrant hues of orange and purple, casting a warm glow over the snow-covered streets. Tall skyscrapers loomed in the distance, their mirrored facades reflecting the waning light. Neon signs flickered to life, illuminating the icy shadows that stretched across the city. Passersby bundled up in puffy coats hurried along the sidewalks, their breath forming tiny clouds in the cold air. A couple stood by the edge of the roof, their hands intertwined as they watched the flying cars zoom past. The scene was straight out of a cyberpunk novel, with its futuristic architecture and the constant hum of activity. As they looked out over the city, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the bustling metropolis before them. The floating billboards overhead flashed advertisements for the latest technology and fashion trends, creating a mesmerizing display of lights and colors.”